- He charges extravagantly. 他要价过高。
- He charges his hotel bill to his expense account. 他将饭店账单记在支出账上。
- He charges a cool million bucks for his services. 他为他的服务收费整整一百万美元。
- He charges Lewis instead of fighting timidly,weaving and dunking. 他向刘易斯冲去,而不是打得胆怯,上下移动闪躲,下蹲闪躲。
- He charges top whack(= the highest amount possible). 他索要最高价。
- Jim failed in the exam, but he charged it to his poor health. 吉姆没通过这次考试,但他归咎于身体不好。
- He charged the mistake to inexperience. 他把错误归因于缺乏经验。
- He charged me ten something for the hat. 他用十几块钱换了我那顶帽子。
- He charged off the mistake to inexperience. 他把错误归咎于缺乏经验。
- He charged the man with spousal abuse. 他起诉这个男人性虐待。
- He charged his hotel bill to his expense account. 他将饭店帐单记在支出帐上。
- He charged out of the door without a word. 他一句话没说跑出屋去。
- How much does he charge you for that book? 那本书他要你多少钱?
- He charged me with neglecting my duty. 他指控我失职。
- He charge his hotel bill to his expense account. 他将其旅馆费用记入他的费用帐户上。
- He charged the battery of his car. 他给汽车的电池充了电。
- He charged his pipe with tobacco. 他给他的烟斗装烟草。
- He charged me with being irresponsible. 他谴责我不负责任。
- He charged a relatively modest fee. 他收取的费用不算高。
- He charged me 20 yuan for the service. 就这项服务他向我要了20元.